Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Replace Honday Odyssey Cabin Air Filter

The cabin air filter in your Honda Odyssey filters the air you breathe in the inside cab of the van. This filter prevents allergens and pollutants from entering the vehicle.

As filters tend to do, the cabin air filter can clog up and become inefficient. To optimize the quality of air in your Honda Odyssey, replace the cabin air filter per recommended service intervals.

It is not of the simpler ones to adjust, but time you figure it out, you can save plenty of funds on labor charges.

Tools You'll Need:

A 10mm ratchet or wrench will be needed to loosen the nuts holding the battery in place and removing the battery holder itself. This will be the only thing holding it in place. time removed, the battery will move freely.

The last nuts will hold the positive and negative cables onto the battery posts. They need to be removed for the battery to be removed fully from the vehicle. time the battery is disconnected, the automobile will have no power and will lose knowledge, such as the radio code and any presets.

Pull the cabin air filter frame toward the rear of the vehicle to remove it from the filter compartment.

Open the glove box and empty the contents.Pull the cabin filter tray out toward the back of the vehicle.

Honda Odyssey (Haynes Repair Manual)

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